A sad day

Today I had to call Worldstides and cancel my own daughter's trip. Try as we might we could not fund raise enough money to even come close to paying even 25% of the total amount due. My daughter took the action well. What upset me was the fact they would NOT refund any...and I do mean any, of my money, stating the amount is too SMALL!!!

Worldstrides, if you are reading this, no amount of money is too small to refund in this economy. I did let everyone else in our small school group know about me not getting a refund and they were totally shocked.

Also today I received a rather long and odd email from a Mr. Martin from Worldstrides. He apparently has visited this little blog and he was not happy with my findings via the internet on Worldstrides. I will be sharing what he wrote in his email in a post that I am drafting. I would not have even mentioned his "interesting" email until I was informed about the "sorry but that amount is too small to refund" policy they have at Worldstrides. If they had not pissed me off with not refunding my money I would not have dug really deep in finding even more dirt on Worldstrides. Let's just say that I will be sharing my sources of information with the readers of this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, my daughters school also have had issues with them. Besides their lack of communication they have the worst customer service. They claim that they left me a message at home but i did not receive any messages from world strides. Now they are telling me i can go on a waiting list but it will cost more...WTF!

    I am going to make sure our school does not use them again!
