Headaches with Worldstrides

The time is getting closer for the parents to come up with the money for trip. In a few weeks all the money is due. I will be calling Worldstrides myself to see if they offer any financing options for the price of the trip. As a group we have been highly disappointed with Worldstrides as a company to deal with. They are constantly adding $15 late fees and $6 processing fees to each monthly statement we get from them. At those rates their monthly payment system is more expensive than using a credit card.

This is the first time that the Lebanon School district used Worldstrides and it will be their last. The school district had been using a local travel agency for years for the trips and had heard good stuff about Worldstrides (via Worldstrides own publicity no doubt) that they thought that they would give Worldstrides a try. The only problem with that is the fact that we are suffering because of it and it might put the kids trip into jeopardy.

In the last few weeks I have done some internet searching to see what I could dig up about Wordstrides. I have found out that they did have a bankruptcy (see updated blog post for the truth about Worldstrides in great detail - click here), not an official bankruptcy but failing to pay huge debts. Around 2005 and they were also investigated by the Federal Government for fraud concerning a group of high schoolers that purchased a trip from Worldsrtrides to see President Bush's inauguration. They never got to the inauguration.


  1. We would like to let you know that not all student trips are organized and serviced like WorldStrides. Call me directly at 1-866-970-1003 and Visit our website at www.schooltoursofamerica.com.
    I promise you lower prices and will put in writing any special things you may want. You have nothing to lose to call for a competitive bid...check us out!

    Have a nice day!

  2. [...] my previous post about our problems with Worldstrides (you can read that post here) I mentioned the fact that Worldstrides had been involved with a bankruptcy. I had found that [...]

  3. The best choice for a student tour provider is Travel Adventures. www.traveladventures.com

  4. I am a professional designer of curriculum-based educational travel programs who has been in the educational travel industry for over 25 years. I design my travel programs to align with curricula, standards, and objectives and have many unique value-added educational hands-on components to each program.

    After I design the program with my teachers or administrators, we find the best travel provider to operate it. In this way, you create the 'product' and the tour operator takes care of the financial, insurance, and air/bus arrangements. This significantly cuts the cost and puts you in charge.

    In response to these large tour operators, I only work with companies that demonstrate a passion for education, adherance to fiduciary responsibility, and best business practices.

    If you would more information and school references, please email me at: amwhittaker2008@yahoo.com

    Anne Marie
