We are in the newspaper!!!

The article about our efforts finally is in the Lebanon Express. You can see the article here. Larry did a good job but he did manage to misspell my last name twice, it's HINTERLANG not HINTERLAND. He must have been using automatic spell check. Also the photo lists Becky Bond and she is not in the photo at all.

The article mentioned Becky's book and when she has it finished you can be sure that it will be announced here. Right now she and her mother are in Utah and she is taking more photos of "Dilbert" (the rubber duck) for the book.

Just to set the record straight about the Christmas trees - that was Cindee's idea and I knew nothing about it. The story made it seem like I was the one in charge of the Christmas tree venture. I just want to give credit where credit is due.

I just checked the statcounter of this blog and so far only one visitor has come from the link in the Lebanon Express story. Hopefully more people will be dropping by later today. Now I have to drive into town and finish up my Thanksgiving dinner shopping and pick up a newspaper with the story in it. I am sure that paper will be collected for many years to come.

1 comment:

  1. Did you notify the paper of their mistakes? If you don't your name will probably be misspelled in the future. I never saw a correction (or corrections) so I'm guessing not. Just a lesson you could pass onto your students.
